Where to hang art next to a door?

Hey there, how are you on this lovely weekend? Ready for the holiday? Are you hosting Thanksgiving? We are not and I'm looking forward to taking a break this year. :) 

We've been in our house for almost a month and I had a goal in mind to get every box unpacked by now. I've accomplished that for the most part -- there are a few more that don't have homes just yet. I built a bunch of built ins in our old house and until I create more here, some stuff will sit in our storage room. 

But I'm relieved that I can finally put the box cutter away and would be thrilled if I never have to look at a cardboard box again in my life. For real. It's so great to finally feel settled! And we've found almost everything we were missing. (Still can't find the saw, which totally perplexes me.)

Anyway...I'm on to hanging things on the walls which is super exciting. It doesn't take much to thrill me, obviously. 😂 I'm trying to be really be very deliberate with what I'm hanging because the thought of messing up and patching holes on these pretty new walls makes me sweat. 

I came to our basement bathroom and was about to hang this art (we like it because it looks like abstract buildings, which reminds us of NYC), but this is the one area I get stumped when hanging stuff. 

Do you place it where it looks best with the door open: 

Or with the door shut?: 

I should have shut the door to really show this, but you get the idea. If a door stays open all the time I go with the former and hang it to the side. But the rare times the door is shut, that really looks off, right? 

And with the door open it looks wonky in the middle to me. Same question goes for furniture -- in our master in both this house and our last, I placed a bookcase centered on the wall with the door open. Our doors are open nearly all the time and we're the only ones who see the inside with the doors shut. But in a bathroom your guests get a front row seat to your hanging skills. Ha! 

So what do you do in rooms where you rarely open the door? These are the real, serious questions in life people. ;) I NEED TO KNOW. Have a great weekend my friends! 
