I noticed one thing in particular when we moved, especially as I unpacked our art. I had a LOT of things with words on them. Art, signs...whatever. Just lots of words. This trend has exploded over the past four years or so -- especially the farmhouse-themed signs.
It wasn't until I saw it all together that I realized just how much I had. I wouldn't say our house was FULL of it, but it was enough. It was at least spread out pretty well! I've been making a concentrated effort to tone down the things with words since we moved in. I think it can get a little overwhelming if there's too much of it in a space.
But then! I'll find the cutest art that will look just perfect in this or that spot. And I've noticed I'm just generally attracted to cute signage. I find myself reaching for them more than anything else. And there are rooms that just tend to attract this kind of art...I've noticed our kitchen and mud room in particular:
(Affiliate) Similar grocery sign
Especially the mud room! So many cute things with words for a mud and laundry room:
I've tried four mirrors, other art...all kinds of things we already had and a couple I bought and returned. Then I saw a sale for scripted art on Facebook (those dang ads get me!!). I didn't see anything quotes that really struck me, until I saw this one:
If you can't read it, it says "The most wonderful thing I decided to do was share my life and heart with you." It wasn't too corny and actually made me tear up a bit when I read it. Truer words were never spoken. You can see what I had up before (and a tour of the whole room) here.
I got the biggest size they made and everything was on sale. (I think they still are because I keep seeing the ad pop up.) I got this sign from a site called Smallwoods. I could have made this myself easy -- I've made many over the years. But I loved this script. And sometimes it's just nice to buy it!:
I was looking for something at HomeGoods the other day and instead of what I was looking for I found some new bedding that I fell in love with. Our other duvet is a dark gray and heavy for the summer, literally and figuratively.
I love the light tones of this duvet and I LOVED the sheets with it, but those are going. They are SO dang scratchy. I mean, it felt like we were sleeping on sandpaper. 😂 I thought they would soften up after washing, but no. And they're a little too small for our bed -- both big bummers because I love them together! Can I return washed sheets? Any tips for softening up cotton sheets that feel like burlap? :)
So our old sheets will go probably go back on, but I love the way these look!
The floral duvet cover is DKNY and the design is called Wallflower, I actually found a queen version on Amazon! The review says it's not soft but I find it to be very soft. The sheets are called Vintage Select and they had a ton of cute options, but they are not comfy at all. The blanket didn't have a brand name on it but was from HomeGoods as well.
Someday I'd love to replace the dark curtains with something lighter...but they have to be light blocking, super long and a decent price when the budget allows. I have a feeling that's not going to happen anytime soon. So for now I will continue to enjoy our perfectly dark room at night. ;)
The art with words won out! It's simple and meaningful and my husband loves it too -- score all around!:
I have big plans for this room -- the wall behind the bed will get a treatment that will frame out the art and I want to recover the bench seat (it's actual burlap). ;) I also have plans for the tray ceiling. But these little changes are making this room feel lighter and prettier, perfect for the summer months!
Are you a lover of art with words and sayings or no? I think they can be overdone for sure, but at the same time I think they are lovely in the right spot!
If you missed my last post, check it out here!:
Affiliate links included for your convenience!
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